Spare Parts
402 products

500x500 built-in multifunction system, with RAINFALL/WATERFALL/MIST function and chromotherapy effect, for false-ceiling install ation. Electronic parts included with remote watertight control and hook. To be matched with 12V power supply, not included. Tob e completed with cover (not inluded)

Ø500 multifunction system with RAINFALL/WATERFALL/MIST function and chromotherapy effect, for ceiling/false-ceiling installation . Electronic parts included with remote watertight control and hook. To be matched with 12V power supply, not included.To be com pleted with cover

Ø500 shower system with RAINFALL function and chromotherapy effect, for false-ceiling installation. Electronic parts included wi th remote watertight control and hook. To be matched with 12V power supply, not included. To be completed with cover (not includ ed)

500x500 built-in shower system, with RAINFALL function and chromotherapy effect, for falseceiling installation. Electronic parts included with remote watertight control and hook. To be matched with 12V power supply, not included. To be completed with cover( not inluded)

300x500 built-in multifunction system, with RAINFALL/WATERFALL/MIST function and chromotherapy effect, for false-ceiling install ation. Electronic parts included with remote watertight control and hook. To be matched with 12V power supply, not included. Tob e completed with cover (not included)

Ø350 multifunction system with RAINFALL/WATERFALL/MIST function and chromotherapy effect, for ceiling/false-ceiling installation . Electronic parts included with remote watertight control and hook. To be matched with 12V power supply. To be completed with c over

350X350 multifunction system with RAINFALL/WATERFALL/MIST function and chromotherapy effect, for ceiling/false-ceiling installat ion. Electronic parts included with remote watertight control and hook. To be matched with 12V power supply. To be completed wit h cover

Ø350 built-in shower system, with RAINFALL function and chromotherapy effect, for false-ceiling installation. Electronic parts i ncluded with remote watertight control and hook. To be matched with 12V power supply, not included. To be completed with cover ( not included)

350x350 shower system with RAINFALL function and chromotherapy effect, for false-ceiling installation. Electronic parts included with remote watertight control and hook. To be matched with 12V power supply, not included. To be completed with cover (not incl uded)

External parts for thermostatic mixer, two-way diverter

External parts for waterfall shower spout to be completed with separate control ( not included)

Built-in part three-way diverter