EuroHomeDirect® 是您的一站式家居裝修商店,提供直接運送到香港、新加坡或世界各地的高品質廚房配件和配件,讓您的廚房體驗更加奢華和高效。使用我們的優質廚房配件系列提升您的廚房設計,提高您的烹飪技能,啟動智慧家居流程,並確保您的所有食物保持新鮮,這些設備隨時可以從我們位於德國和英國的倉庫發貨。
The Basic series consists of four items: a foil cutter, a wine stopper, a corkscrew and a wine pourer that helps oxidize the wine. The designer's aim was to cut out all unnecessary details and gimmicks in order to focus on the raw form and basic function.The organic shapes and the finish add warmth and nostalgia to the design and soften the expression.
Basic is light and comfortable to hold and the satin-like surface ensures that the wine flows easily. The surface has been titanium-treated, making it extra durable. Pour a tasty glass of wine for yourself and your friends using this unique family of wine accessories.
The Basic series consists of four items: a foil cutter, a wine stopper, a corkscrew and a wine pourer that helps oxidize the wine. The designer's aim was to cut out all unnecessary details and gimmicks in order to focus on the raw form and basic function.The organic shapes and the finish add warmth and nostalgia to the design and soften the expression.
Basic is light and comfortable to hold and the satin-like surface ensures that the wine flows easily. The surface has been titanium-treated, making it extra durable. Pour a tasty glass of wine for yourself and your friends using this unique family of wine accessories.
探索 BLANCO 的各種優雅廚房水槽和 Dornbracht 的精美水龍頭設計。為您的廚房尋找從經典到現代的屢獲殊榮的風格。
對於設計愛好者來說,Blanco SILGRANIT 黑色是終極顏色。 Blanco 的最新產品擁有迷人的深度,為淺色檯面的廚房增添了令人驚嘆的奢華氣息。或者,它散發出一種奢華的神秘感,是全黑廚房的優雅選擇。
Dornbracht 廚房水龍頭將現代標誌的美學與實用的多功能性融為一體,將風格與功能完美結合。憑藉其升高的噴嘴和符合人體工學的定位桿,採用時尚的直角設計,它散發出時尚而獨特的外觀。 Dorbracht Tara Ultra 系列提供下拉式變體,其特點是高而細長的噴嘴和採用鋒利直角設計的控制桿。此版本的纖薄外形有助於在相鄰的廚房區域創造更多可用的工作空間。
我們的廚房配件品牌可送貨到香港、新加坡和世界各地,包括 Blanco、Grohe、Dornbracht、Hansgrohe、Axor、Gessi 和 V&B,所有歐洲製造的快遞到您家門口!
EuroHomeDirect® 旨在讓您的家居裝修過程盡可能簡單,這就是為什麼我們透過 DHL、FedEx 和 DB Schenker 等信譽良好的快遞和貨運代理合作夥伴提供從我們的倉庫直接運送到您地址的服務。如果需要,您可以選擇香港的專業安裝服務,但是我們的許多獨立式廚房配件在收到後安裝起來都非常簡單方便。