Vincent Van Duysen 1962 年出生於比利時洛克倫,畢業於根特聖盧卡斯高等建築學院建築系。 1986年至1989年他在米蘭和布魯塞爾工作。 1990 年,他在安特衛普開設了自己的工作室,專注於建築和室內設計。他的作品中室內設計和建築之間的關係是深刻的。家具和配件的設計以建築視角為基礎,不受形式的限制,而是透過對室內空間及其與外部建築的關係的仔細感知來表達。透過詮釋建築並重新定義其比例,Van Duysen 創造了高度純粹和簡單的物體,但仍然保留了具體的特徵和堅固的形式。

It has three molded legs and a round seat. It can be used as extra seating and is easily stackable. We all know it well: the archetypal three-legged stool. Nearly everyone has had a variation of it in their home at some point in their lives but often its design is taken for granted. Precisely the rethinking of something as simple as a stool was the starting point for Normann Copenhagen's Tap Stool.Slightly hard foam has been used for the seat, which, like rubber, has a flexible, sealed surface. This makes Tap dirt-resistant, durable and easy to clean. The moulded seat ensures good seating comfort and provides the stool with the same welcoming warmth known from upholstered furniture. The three legs have an integrated transition to the seat. This gives Tap the appearance of a unified whole, even when seen from the side. Use it as an extra seat or to rest your feet on when tired.