
Refrigeration & Wine Cooling


顯示505 - 505產品,共505產品
博世-系列| 4 內置冷藏冷凍櫃,底部有冷凍室 177.2 x 54.1 公分 滑動鉸鏈 KIV87VSE0G博世-系列| 4 內置冷藏冷凍櫃,底部有冷凍室 177.2 x 54.1 公分 滑動鉸鏈 KIV87VSE0G
博世-系列| 4 內置冷藏冷凍櫃,底部有冷凍室 177.2 x 54.1 公分 滑動鉸鏈 KIV87VSE0GBosch
  • VitaFresh XXL: the extra-large, climated-controlled fridge drawer for fruit and vegetables.
  • EcoAirflow: optimal air circulation and a constant temperature level in the cooling area.
  • LowFrost: defrost less often thanks to lower ice formation - saves work and is energy-efficient.
  • Lots of space for large frozen goods cleverly combined with an extra inner box for smaller items.
  • High-stability door trays: extra high and flexible for more space and stability.
  • 銷售價格$12,198 正常價格$15,542
