Cassina Esosoft 床

Cassina貨號: Cassina-Esosoft-Bed





Antonio Citterio 設計的 Esosoft 系列的簡潔造型以床的形式融入臥室,細節上的強化彰顯了其精緻的風格。錐形且略微傾斜的床頭板與床架相連,形成一條連續的線。軟墊布料像手套一樣貼合,無縫地包裹著床頭板和床架,強調了其線條的流暢性,而底座的鋁製外骨骼的特點是外露螺絲,具有雙重用途:增強床的獨特美感,著眼於循環性,以方便在產品生命週期結束時底座的拆卸和組件的回收。 Esosoft 具有環保精神。根據 Cassina LAB 的研究,該床的開發旨在提供支持健康的功能。床架可配備 theBreath® 空氣淨化織物,這是第一個獲得專利的零排放空氣淨化技術,可捕獲並分解污染物,促進清潔空氣的自然循環。床頭板襯墊配備了 Soundfil® 吸音板,這是一種可回收、衛生、無毒的材料,能夠限制並減少振動聲音頻率。此外,Esosoft 還採用了循環材料,例如含有一定比例來自生物來源的多元醇的聚氨酯和回收的 PET 填料。 Esosoft 有八種尺寸可供選擇。



海斯騰 Superia 床海斯騰 Superia 床
銷售價格$61,125 正常價格$103,917
節省$42,792 選擇選項
銷售價格$113,541 正常價格$191,912
節省$78,371 選擇選項
Normann Copenhagen Form 座墊皮革Normann Copenhagen Form 座墊皮革
Normann Copenhagen Form 座墊皮革Normann Copenhagen

Simon Legald graduated from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in the summer of 2012. His work consists of both small- and large scale products. Simon's designs are often created in a dialogue between craftsmanship and industry. He also likes to incorporate the techniques that are necessary for the structure of a product into the design by highlighting them visually.
"Honesty is what makes a product understandable and is what describes the products functionality. If you understand the product, it does not need any explanation. The essence of my design is for it to be bought and used. Therefore, it has to satisfy not only the functional aspects, but also the psychological and aesthetic needs. For me simplicity describes the true identity of objects and makes them trustworthy. In my design, I try not to add any unnecessary details. I work with simplicity by highlighting the necessities instead of hiding them. It gives the product a simple and honest expression."

銷售價格$680 正常價格$850
節省$170 選擇選項
